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4: The Rejected Self EMDR Therapy Protocol for Body Image Distortion




  • Seijo, Natalia


Body image refers to the image created in our minds regarding our own body, that is to say, the way in which we see ourselves. The application of the Rejected Self Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Protocol for Body Image Distortion in eating disorders is quite straightforward. It involves neutralizing the three main emotional defenses of rejection, shame, and worry and body image distortion defense that are blocking full awareness of the body and lie between the actual body image and the rejected self. The goals that lead to the therapeutic success are the following: identifying the body as one’s own; accepting the body as one’s own; processing the trauma contained in the rejected self, at both cognitive and emotional levels; substituting body image distortion for acceptance; learning to respectfully feel and take care of the body; and integrating this dissociative part that represents the rejected self and its defense.