Transformational Leadership in Nursing, 2nd Edition

From Expert Clinician to Influential Leader
Archived edition








This book guides nursing graduate students in developing the key skills they need to fulfill emerging leadership roles as the health care system experiences profound change and increasing complexity. The book provides a wealth of critical information, practical tools, creative vision, and inspiration that will help to facilitate leadership at the highest level of clinical practice. One specific and important collaboration model in health care is the academic-practice partnership. The most common academic-practice partnership is between a school of nursing and a clinical agency. Successful academic-clinical partnerships bring together key stakeholders, create a common vision to enhance the mission and culture of each organization, and commit to effective collaborative communication and shared decision making. Effective networking cannot happen without effective communication and decision making. Theories on these issues abound across business management and health care leadership. Authentic leadership is one of the frameworks that emphasizes relationships between leaders and followers and focuses on the self-development potential of the leader. Effective leaders pay attention to the need to recruit nurses who enjoy innovative approaches to old challenges, support those nurses who can influence others using positive evidence-based strategies for change in policies and procedures, and provide vision and time to teams who invest in the work culture. The next generation of transformational leaders must continue the task of discovering and utilizing best evidence for successful leadership.

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