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20: Psychotherapy With Children

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  • Delaney, Kathleen R.
  • DeSocio, Janiece
  • Carbray, Julie A.


This chapter discusses child psychotherapy in the context of the evolving science of evidence-based practices. Viewing all intervention through a lens of supporting evidence is particularly important for child psychiatric nurses who hold a social commitment with families and children to provide effective treatment that promotes mental health and wellness. Psychiatric nursing interventions are always initiated in the context of the relationship. In case of the child that focus broadens to the relationship the advanced practice psychiatric nurses (APPN) establishes with the family/parent/caregiver. The perspective of APPNs who treat children is also shaped by an orientation on prevention and promoting resiliency. Following a historical summary and exploration of underlying assumptions of child intervention, the chapter describes several basic principles of child psychotherapy. It highlights two therapeutic evidence-based psychotherapeutic approaches, applied to select commonly occurring childhood disorders.