The Couple, Marriage, and Family Practitioner

Contemporary Issues, Interventions, and Skills








The Couple, Marriage, and Family Practitioner: Contemporary Issues, Interventions, and Skills delivers the knowledge and skills to help today’s diverse clients in an increasingly complex world. Sweeping in breadth and depth, this is the most comprehensive guide available to examine contemporary issues and interventions in couple, marriage, and family therapy. Designed for master’s- and doctoral-level students, this book helps clinicians examine their professional identity; describes family systems and systems theory; explores current issues facing today’s families, couples, and children; and details how to apply skills, interventions, and assessments to provide optimal service to clients. The book includes key information about multiculturalism, intersectionality, nontraditional families, and other social justice issues, as well as a dedicated chapter centered on working with people of color and underrepresented couples and families. Each chapter provides clear definitions, descriptions, and relevant scholarship along with activities and examples showcasing the use of systemic theory, contextual issues, major interventions, relevant technology, and skills. Voices From the Field sections written by diverse practitioners working with people of color, LGBTQIA+ clientele, and other underrepresented populations underscore important information and perspectives.

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