Fast Facts for The Neonatal Nurse, 2nd Edition

A Care Guide for Normal and High-Risk Neonates








This book provides a basic reference for nurses caring for newborns and high-risk newborns as well as care considerations for families. Nurses continue to function as valued members of a collaborative healthcare team, play a primary role in the assessment and care of the newborn, and provide education for new parents regarding the newborn's needs. Families experience dramatic transformations as roles develop and change during the newborn period, and rely on the knowledge, support, and encouragement of the nurse to learn to care for their newborn and meet the newborn's most basic needs. In-depth knowledge of the physiological changes of the newborn enables the nurse to detect possible complications that warrant additional assessment. Early identification of risk factors and complications can help ensure that proper newborn evaluation and care are provided when alterations are present. Advancements in obstetrical care practices have led to advances and new options for very premature newborns. The nurse plays an invaluable role in providing education to the family on the proper care of the newborn, including assisting with feedings. The book is divided into key topic areas including physiological adaptations to birth, newborn assessment and basic newborn care, newborn nutrition, common and high-risk neonatal conditions, special topics, and information based on a family-centered care model that addresses parent assessments, needs, and discharge instructions. Chapter objectives highlight procedures and policies to know as well as needed equipment, supplies, medications, and evidence-based protocols. The book provides essential information for new neonatal nurses and their preceptors in a concise, consistent, easy-to-use format. It encompasses all aspects of effective, evidence-based, holistic care in all practice settings. The book includes a special “orientation guide” and “Fast Facts” boxes in each chapter. It offers practice-relevant information for quick retrieval and highlights health promotion and discharge teaching.

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