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Chapter 14: Acceptability: One Component in Choice of Healthcare Provider

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  • Shreffler-Grant, Jean


In recent years, the rural hospital closure crisis has escalated with 2015 closure rates six times higher than in 2010. The National Rural Health Association (2020) reported that currently one in three rural hospitals may be at risk of closure. Much of the blame for closures has long been attributed to factors external to rural communities, such as reduced Medicare reimbursement, a declining rural economy, provider shortages, and being located in states that did not expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act. Improving equity in access to care has been an ongoing concern throughout most of the past half century, and rural access to care has been a particularly persistent problem. Improving equity in access to care has been an ongoing concern throughout most of the past half century, and rural access to care has been a particularly persistent problem. This chapter focuses on the Acceptability Scale.