Lifespan Development

Cultural and Contextual Applications for the Helping Professions








As humans navigate the different ages of life, they pass through different stages of development. Mental health professionals rely on various theories, treatment modalities, and ongoing research to inform their best practice; this book supports the reader to do so in a culturally responsive, humble, self-reflective way, in order that the clients will be ethically and effectively served across the lifespan. It is organized in a way that makes it interesting, entertaining, and relevant. The book is organized in two parts. Part one uses three chapters to provide an overview of lifespan development, theories of human and lifespan development, and theories of intersectionality and identity development. These chapters provide the foundation from which to explore relevant developmental concepts as they apply to people at various ages and stages of development. Part two cover different ages and stages of development. It presents each age and stage in a two-chapter sequence. The first chapter in each sequence will introduce a case study of a client belonging to a particular age group. The second chapter in each age and stage will anchor specific theories, models, and presents clinical interventions to working with the identified case. New and relevant research will be included to further contextualize the application of the theory. The book inspires the lifelong learners as scientist-practitioners, with ongoing openness to revising what one “know”, even as one become more clear about what appears to be self-evident.

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