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12: Organizational and Health Policy Issues




This chapter covers descriptions of health policy issues and organizations that advocate for older adults. Older adults as a group have taken action to prevent the effects of ageism on healthcare policy. Older adults have formed two large and influential national organizations that provide them with representation concerning legislative issues and resources for successful aging - AARP and National Council on Aging. As a result of the vast improvements in healthcare technology, healthcare costs increased 12% to 14% per year in the 1970s and began to decrease slightly in the 1980s. However, overtime, healthcare costs have risen substantially. Reimbursement for healthcare has changed as a result of increasing costs. Allowable expenses under Medicare and Medicaid plans as well as private insurances have diminished in many cases and have been removed altogether in some cases. The chapter discusses the Older Americans Act, Medicare, Medigap, Medicaid, long-term care insurance, and veterans benefits.