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Chapter 2: Societal Attitudes and Myths About Disability: Improving the Social Consciousness

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  • Marini, Irmo


Persons with disabilities are sometimes ascribed angelical traits, despite the apparent paradox of attitudes that disability is a punishment for having sinned. This chapter explores the concept of attitudes, the sociological aspects of how attitudes toward persons with disabilities are formed, and what many of the myths and misconceptions are about disability. Finally, it discusses ways to enhance attitudes and the social consciousness toward disability. Despite the numerous suspected origins regarding negative attitudes toward persons with disabilities, nondisabled persons who are not blatantly prejudiced and unwilling to change their attitudes may only require greater exposure and accurate information regarding disability. With the 1990 Americans with Disabilities (ADA) representing the greatest civil rights legislation for persons with disabilities in U.S. history, persons with disabilities now enjoy greater access to employment, education, and social participation than ever before.