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CHAPTER 9: Beyond Laboratories, Clinics, and Classrooms: Community Efforts to Address Oppression




This chapter describes the subfield of community psychology along with some ways we can facilitate civil action or social change processes on a larger scale—beyond just individual-level therapeutic value—as attempts to reclaim power and reappropriate the responsibility of addressing oppression from the oppressed to the systems of oppression. It discusses community psychology, its guiding principles, and how such principles may be helpful in addressing oppression and follow this with some recent and ongoing examples of how the field of psychology can go beyond our conventional roles as researchers, clinicians, and educators to help our society address oppression and become more just, fair, and healthy. The chapter ends with some tips on how we can remain steadfast in our social change efforts. To help us deal with seemingly inevitable desolation, discomfort, and pain, the chapter shares one of the best strengths of community psychologists: our inclination and capacity to embrace paradox.