Nurse Leadership and Management

Foundations for Effective Administration








This innovative leadership and management text for graduate nursing students is unique in its focus on relationships, communication, and emotional intelligence at all stages of the nurse’s career. Filled with practical content demonstrating how leadership skills are a key component of management, the text examines specific nursing roles-nurse managers, leaders, and executives-while incorporating the most recent AACN, AONL, and ANA competencies. Case scenarios demonstrate leadership and management responsibilities in a variety of scenarios, and in-depth, comprehensive case studies at the end of the book address complex issues relating to content from the text.

Chapters follow a structured format and address leadership, professionalism, relational leadership in practice, social determinants of health, telehealth, innovation, strategic planning, finance and budgeting, and governance. Student activities are included throughout the text, and case scenarios encourage students to assess their own skills and put learning into practice. Learning objectives and study questions in each chapter reinforce content and emphasize different competencies required for executives and managers. Role-playing exercises help facilitate effective relationship and communication skills.

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