School Consultation for Student Success

A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach








This book presents an evidence-based, cognitive-behavioral framework for delivering collaborative consultation in K-12 schools. It promotes the idea of equitable educational opportunities for all students. The book presents strategies for promoting non-cognitive skills in students, career and college readiness, and optimal learning environments along with the general theories of consultation. It advocates for student support services personnel to work in concert with teachers, parents, and administrators to promote student success and social justice. The book is organized into four parts. The first part presents: (i) an historical exploration of education and school consultation, (ii) ongoing issues and current trends in education, and (iii) an overview of student support services. The second part describes models and theories of school consultation and rational emotive-social behavioral consultation. Part three focuses on application of school consultation for student success. It describes rational emotive-social behavioral consultation with teachers, parents, administration, and committees. The final part discusses student support services that complement rational emotive-social behavioral consultation and determination of needs, outcomes, and effectiveness in school consultation. The book offers an evidence-based model for school consultation that focuses on supporting student success in academic, social-emotional, and college/career readiness domains. It provides transcripts of consultation sessions with teachers, parents, and administrators. The book is intended for graduate courses on school consultation, counseling, school interventions, for use in field placement courses, practicums, internships taught in school psychology, school counseling, and social work.

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