Fast Facts for Managing Patients with a Psychiatric Disorder

What RNs, NPs, and New Psych Nurses Need to Know








Patients with psychiatric diagnoses comprise some of our most vulnerable global populations. The specialty of psychiatric nursing follows the general nursing code of ethics and also has its own specialty-oriented strategies, interventions, and scope of practice. This book is divided into five sections. The first section provides the nurse with general information related to psychiatric diagnosis, prevalence statistics, and theories of etiology. It reviews the basic environmental safety guidelines and discusses ethics in caring for the mentally ill. Finally, it presents the importance of the therapeutic alliance in providing trauma-informed care in a safe environment. The second section provides brief examination of seven specific disorder categories that nurses may need to understand in providing safe care to patients admitted for any reason, including a psychiatric disorder. These categories include pediatrics and neurodevelopmental disorders, thought disorders, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder and related disorders, trauma and stress, and neurocognitive and neurodegenerative disorders. The third section examines three specific groups of medical diagnoses in which the signs and symptoms of the medical diagnosis share symptoms with a psychiatric diagnosis. Misidentification of these symptoms as purely psychiatric can lead to incorrect treatment of the patient’s condition. Section four investigates substance use disorders and dual diagnosis. The final section focuses on what the nurse may encounter in different subspecialties with patients who have a psychiatric disorder, but who have been admitted and are being treated for a separate medical issue. It closes with suggestions for practice for all nurses who may be dealing with patients with mental illness. The book is designed for the non-psychiatric nurse, advanced practice nurse, and those with a psychiatric specialization. It can serve as an evidenced-based, user-friendly resource that will help all nurses provide excellent care to patients with and without a mental illness.

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