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8: Emotional and Mental Health

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  • Fantasia, Heidi Collins


Increasingly, clinicians practicing in primary care and gynecologic settings are finding themselves in the position of needing to prescribe and provide follow-up monitoring for patients needing psychotropic medication management. Issues associated with mental and emotional health encompass a broad range of conditions in which alteration in mood or behavior results in discomfort or decreased functioning. These changes result in chronic or acute distress. Attempting to cope with this distress may alter the patient’s ability to work, attend school, and care for children and others. This can place a strain on family, social, professional, or workplace relationships, as well as cause somatic manifestations that may contribute to morbidity and mortality. This chapter discusses the psychiatric conditions commonly seen in women’s healthcare settings, the responsibilities of the clinician, history, physical examination, differential diagnosis, laboratory testing, treatment, complications, consultation, and follow-up.