Death, Dying, and Bereavement

Contemporary Perspectives, Institutions, and Practices








This book distils the collective wisdom of foremost scholars and practitioners who together have nearly a millennium of experience in the death and dying movement. It bears witness to the evolution of the movement and presents the insights of its pioneers, eyewitnesses, and major contributors past and present. The authors intend the book for all who have been interested or actively engaged in the movement through the years, and especially for those relatively new to the field as students or practitioners who share these convictions and passions and will carry on, extend, and creatively transform the efforts discussed here. They trace the development of thanatology as an interdisciplinary field of study and organizational and practice developments in response to the diverse needs of dying, bereaved, suicidal, and traumatized individuals, families, and communities. Topics covered in the book include: hospice and palliative care, funeral practice, death education, and caring of the dying, suicidal, bereaved, and traumatized. A unique feature of the book is a detailed chronology that includes many, though of course not all, of the most important milestones of the last 60 years. It is intended to serve as an overview as well as the foundation for understanding this burgeoning field and as a guide for readers who wish to understand in detail its short, but rich, history.

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