A Guide for Nurses and Other Health Care Professionals








Mental health and mental illness permeate all sectors of society and all people. Although beliefs about mental health vary across cultures, generations, and ages, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has emerged as a growing concern in recent years. Although many interventions exist for health care professionals to use for their patients with PTSD, it is critical to remember that all individuals respond differently, not only to the trauma and stress experienced, but also to the treatment regimens and support that are available to them. Hence, an individualized approach to assessment, diagnosis, and treatment is always a must. This book will help the health care clinician better understand the effects of trauma, what the assessment of PTSD should entail, and what interventions are most effective. Recognizing, understanding, and having an increased awareness of PTSD, as well as who it impacts and how it does so, are important if health care clinicians are to work together to implement appropriate interventions and obtain the best possible outcomes for all involved. The book is a great starting point for those working with individuals who are suffering from PTSD. The book is divided into three parts. The first part discusses stress, mental health, mental illness, and trauma. The second part of the book focuses on PTSD, predisposing factors and risk factors for developing PTSD, the impact of traumatic events, and the long-term impact of PTSD. The final part describes prevention of PTSD, clinical and treatment interventions of PTSD, and coping with PTSD. It also explores community involvement, cultural implications, and special population considerations in PTSD management, and describes future trends and directions for treating PTSD.

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