Introduction to Aging, 2nd Edition

A Positive, Interdisciplinary Approach
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This is the most recent edition.








This textbook has been developed for introductory courses in gerontology, as well as other courses with gerontology components. Gerontology is multifaceted and interdisciplinary. By necessity, it encompasses a broad range of subjects including psychology, sociology, architecture, biology, communications, economics, education, humanities, law, medicine, nursing, political science, public administration and policy, public health, public safety, social work, and vocational skills. Indeed, gerontology encompasses every academic discipline that in some way relates to the lives of older people in contemporary America. The book is divided into six parts. Part I focuses on the longevity dividend and the importance of mobilizing all sectors of the society to realize the opportunities and address the challenges of an aging society. Part II deals with physical and mental well-being. It discusses in detail the following: physical changes and the aging process; health and wellness for older adults; mental health, cognitive abilities, and aging; sexuality and aging; and death, dying, and bereavement. Part III focuses on economic and social aspects of aging. It focuses on economics, work, and retirement, explores family, friends, and social networks of older adults and discusses how older adults contribute to their communities and how they receive support. Part IV focuses on formal support systems. It discusses in detail the following: older adults giving and receiving support; medical conditions, assisted living, and long-term care; and medicare, medicaid, and medications. Part V focuses on Americans at risk for poor economic and health outcomes as they age — women, people of color, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) individuals. It also describes elder abuse and highlights its consequences. Part VI explores the many career opportunities within the field of gerontology and explains how the study of aging can be applied to any position in any field.

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