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15: Testing Accommodations

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  • Leslie, Mykal J.
  • Rumrill, Phillip D.


Helping people with disabilities to identify, request, and implement reasonable accommodations in various educational, community, and employment settings is a hallmark of the rehabilitation counseling practice. The rehabilitation counseling process is guided by comprehensive assessments of the client’s aptitudes, achievement, skills, interests, and values, and it is essential that clients who require accommodations to participate in valid assessments have access to those accommodations. Testing accommodations are legal, ethical, and best-practice imperatives for rehabilitation and healthcare professionals, and they are viewed as a fundamental right of participation in educational, human service, community, and vocational environments. For the purpose of testing accommodations, it is most helpful to examine categories of limitations as opposed to categories of disability. It is most useful to match the types of accommodations with the specific types of limitations. The chapter considers limitation in the areas of cognitive and neurological abilities, motor abilities, and sensory abilities.