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Chapter 25: Connecting Research Priorities, the Research Agenda, and Health Policy

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  • Manning, Jennifer M.


This chapter describes research agendas and their utilization. It describes examples of research agendas based on research priorities and their impact on health policy. The chapter also explains connection between Advanced Practice Registered Nurse outcomes and research agendas. It describes ethical considerations regarding policy development. A research agenda aims to guide research priorities, funding decisions, and policy formation. The agenda usually consists of a list of short- and long-term goals. Topics should be timely and aim to guide initiatives and goal setting for an organization. The research agenda should be influenced by stakeholders and input from practice, research, policy, and education. There are ethical considerations for research agendas, such as considering diverse groups, patient rights, organizational values, and scope of practice considerations. The key reason for developing a research agenda is to provide organizational purpose and focus which outlines clear frameworks for making future decisions.