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Copyright Contributors Foreword Preface Acknowledgments Instructor Resources I: Foundational Protocols 1: Developing and Evaluating Clinical Practice Guidelines: A Systematic Approach 2: Measuring Performance and Improving Quality 3: Informational Technology: Embedding Geriatric Clinical Practice Guidelines 4: Organizational Approaches to Promote Person-Centered Care 5: Incorporating Principles of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Access Into Practice 6: Supporting Empowered Work Environments 7: Environmental Approaches to Support Aging-Friendly Care
II: Assessment and Management Principles 8: Age-Related Changes in Health 9: Healthcare Decision-Making and Advance Care Planning 10: Assessing Cognitive function in the Older Adult 11: Assessing Physical Function and Promoting Safe Mobility in the Older Adult 12: Promotion of Optimal Nutrition in the Older Adult 13: Assessment and Management of Mealtime Behaviors, Function, and Nutrition in Older Adults Living With Dementia 14: Family Caregiving for the Older Adult 15: Elder Mistreatment Detection 16: LGBTQ Perspectives for Older Adult Care 17: HIV Prevention and Care in the Older Adult 18: Pain Management in the Older Adult 19: Medication Management in the Older Adult Across Care Settings
III: Clinical Interventions 20: Dementia 21: Delirium 22: Depression 23: Care and Management of Diabetes in Older Adults 24: Urinary Incontinence 25: Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection 26: Oral Healthcare 27: Fluid Overload: Identifying and Managing Heart Failure Patients at Risk for Hospital Readmission 28: Care of the Older Adult With Fragility Hip Fracture 29: Respiratory Care 30: Pressure Injuries and Skin Tears 31: Disorders of Sleep
IV: Interventions in Specialty Practice 32: Alcohol and Substance Use in the Older Adult 33: Serious Mental Illness in the Older Adult: Care and Treatment 34: Comprehensive Assessment and Management of the Critically III Older Adult 35: Comprehensive Assessment to Preserve Resilience in Older Adults With Cancer 36: Perioperative Care of the Older Adult 37: General Surgical Care of the Older Adult 38: Care and Comfort at the End of Life
V: Models of Care
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Copyright Contributors Foreword Preface Acknowledgments Instructor Resources I: Foundational Protocols 1: Developing and Evaluating Clinical Practice Guidelines: A Systematic Approach 2: Measuring Performance and Improving Quality 3: Informational Technology: Embedding Geriatric Clinical Practice Guidelines 4: Organizational Approaches to Promote Person-Centered Care 5: Incorporating Principles of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Access Into Practice 6: Supporting Empowered Work Environments 7: Environmental Approaches to Support Aging-Friendly Care
II: Assessment and Management Principles 8: Age-Related Changes in Health 9: Healthcare Decision-Making and Advance Care Planning 10: Assessing Cognitive function in the Older Adult 11: Assessing Physical Function and Promoting Safe Mobility in the Older Adult 12: Promotion of Optimal Nutrition in the Older Adult 13: Assessment and Management of Mealtime Behaviors, Function, and Nutrition in Older Adults Living With Dementia 14: Family Caregiving for the Older Adult 15: Elder Mistreatment Detection 16: LGBTQ Perspectives for Older Adult Care 17: HIV Prevention and Care in the Older Adult 18: Pain Management in the Older Adult 19: Medication Management in the Older Adult Across Care Settings
III: Clinical Interventions 20: Dementia 21: Delirium 22: Depression 23: Care and Management of Diabetes in Older Adults 24: Urinary Incontinence 25: Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection 26: Oral Healthcare 27: Fluid Overload: Identifying and Managing Heart Failure Patients at Risk for Hospital Readmission 28: Care of the Older Adult With Fragility Hip Fracture 29: Respiratory Care 30: Pressure Injuries and Skin Tears 31: Disorders of Sleep
IV: Interventions in Specialty Practice 32: Alcohol and Substance Use in the Older Adult 33: Serious Mental Illness in the Older Adult: Care and Treatment 34: Comprehensive Assessment and Management of the Critically III Older Adult 35: Comprehensive Assessment to Preserve Resilience in Older Adults With Cancer 36: Perioperative Care of the Older Adult 37: General Surgical Care of the Older Adult 38: Care and Comfort at the End of Life
V: Models of Care
- Renz, Susan M.
The process of normal aging, independent of disease, is accompanied by a myriad of changes in body systems. Changes that occur with age strongly impact the health and functional status of older adults. Thus, recognition of and attention to these alterations are critically important in nursing assessment and care. The clinical implications of these age-related alterations are important in nursing assessment and care of the older adult for several reasons. This chapter describes the structural and functional changes in multiple body systems that occur during the normal aging process. It helps the reader understand the clinical significance of these age-related changes regarding the health and disease risks of the older adult. The chapter discusses the components of a nursing assessment for the older adult in light of the manifestations of normal aging. It identifies care strategies to promote successful aging in older adults, with consideration of age-related changes.