Atlas of Pediatric and Neonatal ICU EEG









As the field of intensive care unit (ICU) electroencephalogram (EEG) monitoring evolves, the use of continuous EEG monitoring (cEEG) is expanding beyond seizure detection. EEG provides continuous and noninvasive monitoring of brain function and, coupled with quantitative EEG, enables clinicians to monitor for signs of acute and evolving cerebral injury. Early identification of these electroencephalographic biomarkers may, in turn, offer targets for therapeutic neuroprotective interventions. This book provides a contemporary and concise summary of important principles ranging from seizure identification and encephalopathy grading to advanced techniques of quantitative EEG and multimodality monitoring. These principles are important for current clinical care and advancement of the field. It includes 12 core chapters, each of which begins with text, tables, and figures and ends with a series of EEG images illustrating the concepts and principles discussed in the text. Each chapter is written by experts in the field. In addition, case-based approaches to common scenarios focus on EEG pattern recognition, diagnostic evaluation, and management. The cases not only build upon EEG skills learned in the chapters but also cover additional diagnostic and management principles. The book also includes chapter-based board-style multiple-choice questions and videos available online to elucidate important concepts. This atlas will benefit an audience ranging from novices to experts in the fields of neurology, epilepsy, neurophysiology, neurocritical care, neonatology, and cardiac and pediatric critical care medicine.

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