Population Health Management

Strategies, Tools, Applications, and Outcomes








This book focuses on a unique body of knowledge known as population health management (PHM). Population health, an approach closely aligned with many public health strategies, enjoys strong general awareness and popularity among health professionals. Although population health books are abundant, a smaller number of population health management texts exist, and these vary considerably depending on the writers’ background, field of expertise, and perspective. It is not easy to bridge concepts from community, public, and global health, and then align them with the essential applications of health management. Combining these interrelated perspectives is the primary goal for the textbook. By melding together fundamental strategies, approaches, and tools from these diverse health-related disciplines, students learn to provide quality care, efficient health services, and produce successful outcomes that are sensitive to the needs of diverse populations. The book is divided into four sections and each section integrates a scaffolding framework that begins with PHM fundamentals and introductions to innovative strategies/tools, moves to problem-based applications, and culminates with integrated skill outcomes. Written by experts in their respective disciplines, each chapter is relatable for students from diverse health related programs such as health management, public health, social work, clinical degrees, and other health professions. As major Population Health Management transformations continue to evolve in the workplace, health management educators recognize the immediate need to design curriculums, introduce new skill-building approaches and tools, and enhance student competencies to meet the challenges and find solutions for a future healthscape that achieves the quadruple aim of access, cost, quality, and patient experience. The book provides students with the knowledge, skills, intentional mind-set to jettison the past in order to transition successfully for today and transform the future of population health management.

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