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Chapter 17: Mixed Methods Research: Explanatory and Exploratory Designs

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  • Flynn, Stephen V.
  • Uttley, Clarissa M.


Many researchers undoubtedly consider the ideal nature of having qualitative data that enhance the understanding of quantitative data or having quantitative data that further develops qualitative data. Likewise, when conducting a literature review, researchers often look to qualitative data when designing a quantitative investigation or to quantitative research when designing a qualitative investigation. While there are instances when this process is deserving of two separate investigations, mixed methods researchers will often design a study that employs a framework that touts a major methodological emphasis and a secondary framework that enhances and supplements the main strand. This chapter describes the philosophical underpinnings of explanatory and exploratory research designs. It explains how to maximize the rigor of explanatory and exploratory research designs. The chapter recognizes which data analysis methods are suited to explanatory and exploratory research designs. It interprets how explanatory and exploratory research design traditions can enhance multicultural competency.