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5: The Forensic Psychologist’s Role in Civil Cases: Experts, Juries, and Research




After several years of interviewing potential forensic psychology students and answering questions at professional workshops and presentations, it sometimes seems to the author as if most of the interest in forensic psychology is directed to the forensic psychologist’s role in criminal proceedings. However, the role of the forensic psychologist in civil matters is varied and far-reaching. This chapter describes various roles of the forensic psychologist as he or she provides expert testimony in civil cases, consults for civil jury trials, and assesses individuals for competency. The focus of the cases might be breach of contract or various types of torts, including product liability, professional malpractice, and other forms of negligence as well as intentional torts. Juries are known to be susceptible to what are called the primacy and recency effects, retaining the first information related versus retaining the last information related, respectively.