DSM-5-TR® and Family Systems, 2nd Edition

There are other editions available.
This is the most recent edition.








Systemic-oriented clinicians may have an innate aversion to the linear-focused syndrome approach to conceptualizing mental health disorders within individuals. Just as oil and water are two immiscible liquids, systemic-oriented clinicians may struggle with how to properly mix seemingly opposing concepts from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed., text rev.; DSM-5-TR) with their circular causality approach to relational problems. Fortunately, this book offers practical strategies for systemic-oriented clinicians to harmonize the perceived mutual incompatibility between an individual’s dysfunction and commonly used systemic theories and techniques. Users of this book will appreciate the clarification provided on understanding relational problems associated with the onset, progression, and expression of psychiatric symptoms—while incorporating an understanding of parent–child, sibling, extended family, and significant-other relationship issues in overall clinical formulation. This book also advances the discussion about relational and cultural features, family systems assessments, family systems interventions, and ethical and legal implications when working with clients and their family members with identified DSM-5-TR disorders. This second edition includes new Case Conceptualizations that will address how clinicians now work with families and conduct assessments and determine diagnoses while working in a telemental health environment, which is the “new normal” of the mental health world. In addition, the impact of working with client families who are impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic or by pervasive racial and social injustice and inequity will be addressed in each chapter’s Case Conceptualization as well as the new features, “Relational and Cultural Features” and “Recent Development and Current Issues.” Every chapter will be updated to the latest DSM data and current literature.

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