Fast Facts for the Radiology Nurse, 2nd Edition

An Orientation and Nursing Care Guide
There are other editions available.
This is the most recent edition.








Radiology departments have an ever-increasing need for highly skilled and competent radiology nurses to work in all the imaging modalities. Radiology nurses are important members of the radiology team, contributing to safe, effective, and quality patient care. Keeping informed on new diagnostic and therapeutic procedures is challenging for the experienced nurse and can be overwhelming for the nurse who is new to the imaging areas. This book serves as an important primer for nurses who are novices in the imaging areas and as a valuable reference for nurses with radiology experience who need fast, reliable information if working in a modality that is less familiar. This second edition offers information regarding the basic skills that a radiology nurse uses in everyday practice. Nurses draw from prior critical care, postanesthesia, and/or emergency nursing knowledge and assessment skills in radiology and also learn new skills specific to the imaging environment, including vascular access, hemostasis, infection control, physiological monitoring, and documentation. Additional updated information on sedation and analgesia includes medications in easy-to-read tables. New chapters in this edition discuss legal issues, civility, disaster management, and leadership. These new topics are essential to the success of the nurse working in an imaging setting. Tables and figures enhance the chapters. “Fast Facts” boxes, which are located throughout the book, highlight key information. In summary, this book is a welcome addition to the resources for radiology nursing, which are few in number compared to other specialties. Nurses in other units, for example, medical—surgical or critical care, who care for radiology patients pre or post procedures will also appreciate the information in this handbook to improve patient care.

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