Quality Caring in Nursing and Health Systems, 4th Edition

Implications for Clinicians, Educators, and Leaders
There are other editions available.
This is the most recent edition.








This title provides an overview and update of the continuing healthcare quality crisis, emphasizing its foundational relational core through an evolving middle-range theory, and offers opportunities for application at several levels. It highlights the importance of caring relationships in improving the safety and quality of health systems. Moreover, it is a call to action for healthcare workers, especially nurses. Safe, quality healthcare, meaningful work, and overall well-being are at stake. By exploring several theoretical concepts drawn from multiple sources, the book articulates the Quality-Caring Model©. It illuminates and updates the critical relationships with self, the community served, patients and families, and the healthcare team for current and future practice. Applying the model in clinical, educational, and leadership practice offers possibilities for advancing the value of the nation’s health systems while providing the context for meaningful work. Using the Quality-Caring Model© as a foundation for research may point to new evidence regarding the contribution of caring relationships to quality health outcomes. This revised edition is intended for use by nursing students, and nursing scholars as well as clinical nurses, nurse educators, nurse researchers, and those in nursing leadership positions. Health professionals in other disciplines may also find it helpful. Each chapter contains objectives, an introductory section followed by specific narratives holding new information or applications. They also include a specific focus area to highlight their importance and specific “Calls to Action.” Multiple case examples and reflective questions are provided as well as practice analyses for use in formal education programs, continuing education, workshops and conferences, and general clinical practice. The appendices provide additional resources for those interested in caring relationships in health systems.

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