Counseling Adults in Transition, 5th Edition

Linking Schlossberg’s Theory With Practice in a Diverse World








This fifth edition is updated with new, evolving theories, and provides an increased focus on specific practical applications for meeting the clients’ needs in an increasingly diverse and ever-changing socio-cultural landscape. It also attempts to address the dramatic changes mentioned above, including the Pandemic, economic instability, Black Lives Matter and climate change. The dramatic and unprecedented changes in the environment challenge us to adapt the theoretical conceptualizations, methods, and strategies for working with clients. The book provides an updated vision for working with transitions, with the integration of new theories, along with Schlossberg’s timeless model. It is predicated on several assumptions. The book includes enhancing resilience and coping, illuminated by updated literature and discussion of applications of Schlossberg’s theory and 4 S model–a model that offers effective techniques to understand and successfully navigate life transitions. The book addresses the roles of hope, optimism, and mattering. It also deepens the discussion of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and social justice, along with intersectionality regarding multiple identities as diverse individuals and their families navigate life transitions. The book highlights the role of escalating changes in the current global, political and socio-cultural landscape. It focuses on the increasing importance of helping adults navigate transitions and integrates Schlossberg’s unique transition model with both classic and emerging theories to guide adults in transition. The book discusses sociocultural and contextual factors in shaping the coping process and presents culturally sensitive strategies and interventions. It emphasizes social justice concerns and advocacy on behalf of underrepresented populations and delivers rich and diverse case studies focused on transition issues. The book includes updated learning activities and exercises to enhance understanding.

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