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12: Online Interface Design and Course Management




The creation of the online course in the learning management system (LMS) requires a certain comfort with technology, but more important, consideration of interface design, or the computer-user interface with the goal of making the interface as user-friendly or intuitive as possible. Success in this endeavor depends on understanding the relationship of the syllabus and organization of the LMS. This chapter focuses on expanding on that information to create consistent navigation in the LMS week after week, taking advantage of the efficiencies available in most LMSs, and basic interface design principles. Interface design is also referred to as the computer-user interface. The LMS design should be intuitive and easily navigated so that students can focus on learning and not spend an undue amount of time locating information. In a constructivist, learner-centered teaching paradigm, the lecture as the primary means of teaching has fallen out of favor, especially when teaching online.