Obstetric Triage and Emergency Care Protocols, 2nd Edition









Obstetric triage has proliferated as a subspecialty in today’s practice setting of obstetrics and gynecology. An added feature is the inclusion of clinical pearls in each chapter, highlighting special content and key phrases. This book is organized into five sections. The introductory section expands the overview of triage with new content, updates legal considerations such as EMTALA and HIPAA, and presents acuity tools essential in the triage and emergency setting. The second section describes management of obstetric conditions in early pregnancy such as ectopic pregnancy, vaginal bleeding, postabortion complications, abdominal pain and masses, multiple gestations, nausea, vomiting, and hyperemesis of pregnancy. The third section deals with management of obstetric conditions (greater than viability) such as fetal evaluation, preterm labor, preterm premature rupture of membranes, trauma in pregnancy, preeclampsia with severe features, eclampsia, and hypertensive issues, labor evaluation, severe medical complications in pregnancy, and vaginal bleeding in pregnancy. The fourth sections discusses management of common obstetric conditions throughout pregnancy such as common general surgical emergencies, biohazardous exposure, sepsis, infections, intimate partner violence, sexual assault, substance use and other psychiatric disorders, and sexually transmitted infections. The final section describes management of postpartum complications commonly seen in obstetric triage such as postpartum preeclampsia complications, postpartum breast complications, secondary postpartum hemorrhage, endometritis, psychiatric complications, and critical postpartum medical complications. The book is geared to the primary provider in obstetric triage, including OB/GYN hospitalists; emergency and family practice physicians; midwives; nurse practitioners; obstetric, emergency, and family practice residents; medical, midwifery, and nurse practitioner students; clinical nurses; radiologists; and others.

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