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Chapter Five: Nutrition and Epigenetics in Pregnancy

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  • Barger, Mary K.


The field of epigenetics began to explore the role environment plays on gene phenotype. With the increased understanding of the complex interplay between genes and the environment, it is now understood that the in utero environment of the fetus can play an important role on the long-term health of the person. Hence, there has been a renewed focus on nutrition during pregnancy and its role in determining a newborn’s genetic phenotype. There are very few high-level studies such as meta-analyses or randomized controlled trials (RCT) regarding nutrition interventions in pregnancy. Micronutrients, with higher requirements in pregnancy, are essential for normal fetal development and healthy pregnancy. The midwife needs to deliver clear, positive messages about gestational weight gain without admonishing or stigmatizing patients. Because pregnant women are at increased risk for intracellular infection, avoidance of food borne illnesses that can adversely affect the mother and/or the fetus is essential.