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Chapter 8: Coping/Happy Thoughts, Gratitude, and Crisis = Pain + Opportunity




Behavioral activation (BA) and physiological calming (PC) are primarily behavioral interventions, though PC involves clearing one’s mind and BA calls for a kid to overcome thoughts promoting lethargy. Additional commentary is one of the staples of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) interventions. However, there are certain positive psychology (PP) interventions that kids can do, within the context of CBT that appear to be helpful. The first of these is to focus on gratitude. As the author go through these techniques, it is noted that they are similar to the coping/happy thoughts intervention. The placement of commentary module in the sequence of interventions varies considerably based on: how a kid has done with other cognitive interventions, the progress of the work, and the characteristics of the kid, his family, and the context. A crisis module can be helpful when an older kid or teen is trying to find perspective regarding painful events.