Social Work Practice and Psychopharmacology, 3rd Edition

A Person-in-Environment Approach








This book can be used by social work professionals both as a textbook and as a clinical resource. Considering that most social workers receive limited training in medication during their social work program, it provides an excellent practice resource for clinicians in the field. The book provides general information that will prepare social workers to address the needs of clients taking medication. The use of medication is viewed as part of social work practice, and strategies for understanding its use are highlighted. Each chapter focuses on the basic information a social worker should know, from understanding the human brain, to tips for helping the client to terminate use, to how to support the medical team with tips for taking a medication history. The book explains the difference between generic and brand names, presented along with medical terminology used in prescribing medications. It provides the basic rules for monitoring medication and compliance, along with tips for treatment planning and documentation. The book also outlines prescription and nonprescription medications, including herbal preparations, and includes a section on special populations. It addresses specific mental health conditions such as schizophrenia, mood disorders, depression, bipolar disorders, and specific anxiety disorders.

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