Financial Sustainability for Nonprofit Organizations









This book provides leaders and managers of nonprofit organizations with theoretical and conceptual frameworks, approaches, and strategies that will enable them to manage organizations that are financially sustainable. The book aims to equip students and nonprofit leaders with the information and conceptual frameworks needed to do financial analyses, manage budgets, and conduct various operations for organizational and financial sustainability. People have a tendency to think of financial sustainability almost exclusively in financial terms. The book argues that financial sustainability involves both financial and nonfinancial facets. To that end it provides a systemic conceptual framework. The chapters are articulated around four sections. The first part introduces the concepts of nonprofit organizations and financial sustainability. The second part is about key aspects of organization and planning for sustainability in a nonprofit organization. The third part discusses issues that are vital to the financial sustainability of a nonprofit organization. The last part emphasizes the contributions of management and leadership practices to the financial sustainability of nonprofit organizations. The book may serve as an introductory textbook for future leaders of nonprofit organizations, as well as students in schools or programs of nonprofit leadership, human service leadership, social work, public and community health, organization management, public administration, education, and other similar fields.

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