
The completion of a project such as a manuscript or book cannot be possible without the support and helping hands of many people. This entire book would not be possible without the vision and support of Sheri W. Sussman, Senior Editor at Springer Publishing for her vision and unwavering support through this process. Sheri, along with her assistant Mindy Chen were invaluable in terms of their support and attention to details.

This book also would not have been possible without the input from many of my students, especially, students within the Certificate in Gerontology program and School of Social Work at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. Many students (too many to name individually), helped shape the ideas that went into this work. Although many students have contributed insights and asked questions which evolved the various chapters of this book, there are some students that should be acknowledged by name for their help with literature searches, media artifacts, and technical details, such as Terry Tippet Jr., George Lowery, Ashunti Jackson, Fatoumata Saidou Hangadoumbo, M. Helen Hogue, Eric Eblin, and Teresa Corisco Eblin. Arwen McElhany deserves mention for her attention to the conversion of files, data management, and electronic media. Brian Chainy was unwavering with his technical support for the podcast series.

I would also like to acknowledge my colleagues and writing group of doctoral and MSW students, who provided sources of input and offered valuable suggestions for the manuscript itself.

Most of all, I would like to acknowledge my family for their patience, understanding, unconditional support, and never wavering belief in my potential. Bill and “our girls” deserve acknowledgment for the many hours they spent ignored at home while I was absorbed in the research and writing associated with publishing this book.