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19: Caring for the Family Caregiver of Cancer Patients




  • Wiener, Lori
  • Bevans, Margaret
  • Garee, Amy M.
  • Applebaum, Allison J.


This chapter provides an overview of the experience of caregivers, and interventions that can be implemented at various points throughout the trajectory of the illness. Caregivers are often called upon to understand complex medication regimens, contact 'hard to reach' medical providers, navigate a difficult health and legal system, advocate for services, negotiate with insurance companies, and/or manage the household, finances, and children. The needs of caregivers are often overlooked by healthcare providers, friends, and family members in the face of the complex needs of the person with cancer. A growing number of psychosocial interventions have been developed specifically to address the psychosocial burden on caregivers. However, as each caregiver and care situation is unique, interventions need to be tailored depending on the patient's medical condition, emotional and physical needs, and required medical/nursing tasks.