Nursing Concept Analysis

Applications to Research and Practice








This book delivers analyses of 30 core concepts that define nursing theory, research, education, and professional practice. Grounded in the concept analysis framework developed by Walker and Avant, the book clearly demonstrates how concepts are used to build theory, support research, and improve education and professional practice. Expert authors from clinical and research disciplines focus on the core of nursing-- the nurse-patient relationship--grouping concepts into the categories of patient/client-focused concepts, career-focused concepts, and organizational/systems-focused concepts. The concept analyses follow a specific method, with defining attributes, antecedents, and consequences given. It talks about the personal characteristics of patients/clients experiencing health/illness. These concepts include hardiness, hope, motivation and self-motivation. The book then explains the caregiver-focused concepts such as anxiety, caregiver burden, clinical autonomy, compassion fatigue, cultural competence, decision making, emotional intelligence, empathy and so on. It also presents analysis of concepts pertinent to nurse workaround, commitment, teamwork, transformational leadership, work engagement, and nurse manager accountability. Nurse workarounds are described as nurses devising an alternative work procedure to address a block in the workforce, even though these alternatives are deviations from policies, procedures, and work processes. The book also includes diagrams of characteristics across concepts for comparison. It helps nurse scholars to develop a sophisticated analytic ability and provide graduate nursing students with a foundation for developing a DNP capstone or PhD research project.

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