Multicultural Neurorehabilitation

Clinical Principles for Rehabilitation Professionals








This book focuses on the key issues surrounding multicultural neurorehabilitation for a wide range of health care professionals. The study of traumatic brain injury has seen a clear evolution in the sophistication, breadth, and depth of findings concerning neuroepidemiology as it affects racial and ethnic minorities. As large-scale epidemiological studies increasingly include and distinguish individuals of color and linguistic minorities together with religion, sexual orientation, physical disabilities, place of residence, and key socioeconomic variables that interact with race/ethnicity, more information will be available to make changes in policy, training, and clinical service delivery. Neuropsychological assessment involves the administration of a battery of tests that assess a variety of cognitive domains to obtain a clinical picture of brain behavior relationships. Within the inpatient rehabilitation setting, neuropsychologists often perform various functions, including neuropsychological assessment, psychotherapy, and assistance with adjustment issues for patients and their families. The book discusses some of the common cultural issues that impact neuropsychology in an inpatient rehabilitation setting. Considerations of race and ethnicity, disability culture, military and veteran culture, and cultural aspects of religiousness and spirituality are all considered in the book. The authors in the book wrote from their own perspectives as clinicians and researchers, representing diverse cultural backgrounds and neurorehabilitation contexts and roles. Hopefully, the book will generate more discussion, research, and literature on multicultural neurorehabilitation.

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