Applied Biological Psychology









This book helps students to learn about fundamental brain functioning and to apply the information with various clinical populations with whom they may help to serve. It also helps the professor to advance beyond the typical mindset of teaching only the basics in brain functioning. The book is divided into two sections. In Section I of the book, a foundational framework of neuroscience is provided, including important historical events, patients, and neuroscientists as well as an explanation of all the different techniques used in understanding human behavior. The first part of the text also focuses on core foundations of brain functioning, with an emphasis on the important neural systems often found dysregulated in psychopathology. Clinical techniques such as electrophysiology recordings, neuroimaging techniques, MRI scans are also discussed. The second section of the text explores many areas of psychopathology from a behavioral, cognitive, and neurobiological perspective before describing typical effective strategies used to treat the various disorders. The various disorders that are covered in this section include childhood disorders such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD), schizophrenia, mood disorders including bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, the three types of eating disorders, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating, sleep disorders such as parasomnia and insomnia, substance disorders, and personality disorders including antisocial personality disorder and borderline personality disorder.

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