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28: Sikhs




  • Singh, Pashaura, PhD
  • Singh-Carlson, Savitri W., PhD, RN
  • Kaur, Harjit, MSocSc


Sikhism is an independent religion, based upon the teachings of its founder Guru Nanak and his nine successors. Sikh religion is theistic. It believes in One God who, as the creator and sustainer of the universe, watches over it lovingly as a parent. Sikhs view health and well-being as an asset of life. Sikhs are guided to maintain a balance by attending to the care of the physical and spiritual body. Most of the Punjabi Sikhs show a healthy and approved appetite for simple vegetables and milk products. The use of tobacco and other nonmedicinal drugs is strictly prohibited to the Khalsa Sikhs. Religious leaders such as Grant his at the Gurdwara offer Ardas for members of the tradition who are ill. A nurse might support the patient if he or she wants to attend the congregational worship at the local gurdwara.