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Chapter 9: MAC Module 6: Skill Consolidation and Poise—Combining Mindfulness, Acceptance, and Commitment




The primary goal of Module 6 is to help the client attain and maintain greater behavioral flexibility. Mindfulness-acceptance-commitment (MAC) module 6 begins with the Brief Centering Exercise (BCE) to reinforce the commitment to and focus on regular mindfulness practice as a core MAC skill. Following the BCE, the consultant introduces the client to the task-focused attention exercise. Enhancing poise is the core goal of Module 6 and requires the client to effectively use his or her developing skills relating to mindfulness, acceptance, and commitment. In Module 6, the consultant continues to help the client move closer to mindful engagement in competition by ensuring that mindfulness practice becomes increasingly utilized in performance-related situations. The most common problems associated with Module 6 center on the client’s willingness or unwillingness to change behavior. Most clients who seek psychological intervention would like to have the outcomes they desire.